
Jun 18 2023

The Transformative Impact of Education on Economic and Information Security in the Globalized World: A Scientific and Practical Study of the MediaStar Educational Platform

Yuri Dudka

Products & Services

In the modern globalized world, the interconnection between nations, organizations, and individuals has reached an unprecedented level. The influence of information on the economy and education has particularly intensified since 2020 due to the exponential growth of social networks and communication platforms.

This notable growth naturally raises concerns about information and economic security. In this article, we will explore the connection between information and economic security in the context of globalization and the development of educational systems. Through scientific and practical research, we will investigate how these aspects mutually influence each other. Additionally, we will present a thematic study of the MediaStar educational platform to demonstrate how we effectively mitigate risks and transform them for the benefit of society by creating modern educational systems.

There are several threats that can impact information and economic security:

  1. Turboeconomics: The acceleration of information and economic processes through the development of innovative technologies can have both positive and negative consequences. This concept, known as "turboeconomics," refers to the accelerated development and dissemination of information, communication, and transactions using new technologies.

  2. Social engineering: Cybercriminals increasingly use social engineering methods to manipulate people and gain access to confidential information. This can involve fake emails (phishing), deception through phone calls, or manipulation on social networks.

  3. Economic threats, including financial fraud, intellectual property theft, competition infringement, and economic espionage. Cybercriminals and competitors can employ various methods to gain unauthorized access to financial resources, confidential plans, and technological developments.

  4. Vulnerability to manipulation and disinformation: Low information literacy means that people may be more susceptible to manipulation and the spread of disinformation. This can lead to the formation of public opinion based on false or distorted facts, which can negatively affect political stability, social harmony, and economic development.

To address these issues, investments in education, the improvement of information and economic literacy among the population, and the development of policies aimed at strengthening information and economic security are necessary. This will help create more resilient development systems capable of addressing challenges in the information and economic spheres. The role of education in ensuring information and economic security is crucial.


As an educational company, MediaStar makes a significant contribution to information and economic security through its educational programs and initiatives. Here are several ways in which MediaStar contributes to society:

  1. Development of critical thinking and information literacy: MediaStar incorporates educational modules into its programs that develop students' critical thinking skills, their ability to analyze information, recognize disinformation, and make informed decisions. This contributes to increasing levels of information literacy and reduces risks associated with the dissemination of unreliable information.

  2. Information security courses for businesses, non-profit organizations, and foundations: MediaStar offers educational programs aimed at entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations to train their employees and managers in the fundamentals of information security. This can include protecting corporate data, training staff in handling confidential information, and promoting security principles.

  3. Partnerships with industry experts: MediaStar establishes partnerships with experts in the field of information and economic security, opinion leaders, popular bloggers, journalists, and economists to provide students with relevant knowledge and practical skills. This can involve guest lectures, seminars, joint research projects, and internships.

  4. Popularization of security knowledge: MediaStar plays an active role in disseminating knowledge about security through its media channels, publications, webinars, and conferences. This contributes to raising awareness among a wide audience about the importance of information and economic security, spreading knowledge about current threats and protection methods. MediaStar can provide access to educational materials and resources that help people understand security issues and take appropriate measures to protect their interests and data. Thus, education plays a vital role in preparing the next generation of professionals who will be responsible for ensuring information and economic security.

As an educational company, MediaStar actively contributes to this cause through its diverse educational programs and initiatives. By promoting critical thinking and information literacy, offering information security courses for businesses and non-profit organizations, establishing partnerships with industry experts, and popularizing knowledge about security, MediaStar helps lay the foundation for a safer and more resilient society in the face of globalization. Through its efforts, MediaStar equips students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and awareness to tackle problems and threats in the era of digital technologies.

About the author: Yuri Dudka is a Ukrainian-American producer, educator, journalist, Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor, and founder and CEO of MediaStar Educational Company.

Tags: e Impact of Education on Economic and Information Security in the Globalized World
