Senior Lecturer In General Medicine Combined With Employment As A Specialist Physician In General Medicine

Göteborg University
February 29, 2024
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The Institute of Medicine comprises four departments, including Community Medicine and Public Health, which includes general medicine. General medicine faculty teach in the medical programme and conduct research, development and innovation activities as well as education in collaboration with Region Västra Götaland, as well as other national and international research teams.

General medicine makes up a large part of the medical programme, and will play an even greater role in the new redesigned programme. The new medical programme includes an additional semester centred on clinical practice, with primary care as a key component. Thus, general medicine faculty have a unique opportunity to influence future generations of physicians!

Researchers in general medicine collaborate closely with Region Västra Götaland's four university health care units (USVE) for primary care, including more than 200 healthcare centres. Our partnership with USVE provides a clear structure, management, and financing. Most of our doctoral students are recruited from primary care in the region, and within USVE there is a clear path from student to associate professor. As part of this collaboration, we also conduct courses in scientific methodology for primary care staff.

Our research spans a wide range of topics and we welcome research projects in new areas. Some examples of strong research groups we have today are those that research mental health, women's health, cardiovascular disease and infectious diseases. More information about our research can be found here.

Subject area

General Medicine

Subject area description

At the core of general medicine is the meeting between physician and patient. Practitioners in this field must possess the competence to meet people of all ages with all kinds of health-related problems and independently assess and treat them, including conditions that are not defined as illnesses. In this role, it is necessary to take a long-term perspective on patients' health and offer treatment with consideration for the multitude of factors that influence a person's health and well-being. General medicine requires both broad and specific medical competence, an understanding of human nature, and comprehensive knowledge of biology, disease, healthcare organisation, and society. The field has its clinical basis in primary care and is expected to remain a significant part of future health and medical care.


Job assignments include teaching and course management in the medical programme at Sahlgrenska Academy, as well as clinic-based teaching in collaboration with healthcare providers within Region Västra Götaland. Supervising students and other teaching may also be included.

Duties also include conducting independent research within general medicine and in collaboration with others, including Region Västra Götaland's four university healthcare units (USVE) for primary care. The candidate is expected to actively seek external funding as a primary investigator and in collaboration with other groups to establish and support their own research group.

Clinical duties may vary and will be carried out within the framework of a combined position as a specialist physician in general medicine in agreement with Regional Health in Region Västra Götaland. An important part of this role will be clinical duties at a healthcare centre in Region Västra Götaland. Supervision of resident physician projects or similar work may be included.

This position also includes some administrative tasks related to course management, teaching, research, and clinical duties.


The eligibility criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.

According to the Higher Education Act, Chapter 3, Section 8, joint employment may only be held by a person who meets the eligibility requirements for both positions.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree in a medical subject or another subject the employer deems equivalent, demonstrated pedagogical skills, a medical degree, and specialist competence in general medicine. The ability to teach in Swedish is also required.

In accordance with the National Board of Health and Welfare's guidelines, applicants must meet the requirements of adequate knowledge in Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian to obtain a Swedish medical licence.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.

The primary assessment criteria are scientific and pedagogical competence, which are weighted equally, followed by clinical competence.

When assessing scientific competence, emphasis will be placed on publications in leading international journals. Greater weight will be given to the quality and impact of the publications rather than the total number, and to the quality of the applicant's proposed research programme and its relevance to the subject area. A clear progression of skill, with a focus on scientific merit from the last 10 years, will be given the greatest weight. The ability to obtain external research grants in national and international competition will be an advantage.

When assessing pedagogical competence, emphasis will be placed on documented pedagogical training, as well as experience and skill in supervising and educating medical students. Experience in pedagogical development and course leadership will be particularly advantageous.

When assessing clinical competence, emphasis will be placed on clinical experience and competence in general medicine. Experience in scientific and clinical leadership in national and international networks is an advantage.

Administrative experience and the ability to collaborate and work as a member of a team are also advantageous.


Permanent employment, full-time 100 %. The position is located at The Institute of Medicine. First day of employment as agreed.

Contact information

Professor Jan Borén, Head of Institute of Medicine Phone: +46 (0)733 76 4264 E-mail: [email protected]

Professor in General Medicine Maria Åberg Phone: +46 (0)709 66 8274 E-mail: [email protected]

Other information

At the University of Gothenburg, it is possible to apply for promotion to full professor with a permanent position as senior lecturer.

Applicants who do not have advanced education in pedagogy from the University of Gothenburg must complete this education (or validate the equivalent education received from another higher education institution) within one year of starting employment.


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: https: // www.


In order to apply for a position at the University of Gothenburg, you have to register an account in our online recruitment system. Applications must follow the layout of the recommendations for the Sahlgrenska Academy for applications for teaching positions.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline. The selection of candidates is made on the basis of the qualifications registered in the application. Please note in particular that the following documents must accompany the application:

  • PhD degree (in Swedish or English)
  • Certificate medical degree
  • Certificate specialist competence in general medicine
  • A maximum of 10 selected scientific publications that the applicant want to refer to (in full text)
  • Other certificates /proof /rating proving applicant's qualifications
  • Any documents that are not available in electronic format should be sent in three copies to:

    University of Gothenburg The Sahlgrenska Academy Box 400 405 30 Göteborg SWEDEN

    The reference number of the application, PAR 2024/43, should be clearly stated when mailing complementary documents.

    We recommend that applications be written in English, as they may be reviewed by international experts with English as their working language.

    Applications must be received by: February 29, 2024

    Information for International Applicants

    Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit:

    https: // www. https: // www.

    In the event of any disagreement between the English and the Swedish

    versions of any announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.

    The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations.

    Salaries are set individually at the University.

    In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden's regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed.

    In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

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