The Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science is announcing a position for a Senior Lecturer in Chemical Ecology. The Senior Lecturer will be based in Alnarp at the Department of Plant Protection Biology, an interdisciplinary constellation in which research in Resistance Biology, Integrated Plant Protection and Chemical Ecology develops the sustainable use and management of biological resources.
Read more about the Department and Chemical Ecology Research here.
Read more about the subject area of Chemical Ecology - Disease Vectors here.
Subject areaThe subject area is chemical ecology with a focuses disease vectors. Research on disease vectors include chemical ecology, ethology and evolution of the chemosensory systems of insects that transmit human and animal diseases. Through a multi-disciplinary approach, using functional genomics, studies are performed on how odour- and taste-mediated behaviours of disease vectors are modulated by external chemosensory cues and internal physiological states.
DutiesWithin the subject area the senior lecturer should
The department has a parallel language work environment. The associate senior lecturer will be able to carry out most of their tasks in English. As the university is Swedish-speaking however, the holder is expected to be able to work and teach in Swedish within four years of taking up the position. The institution will support the holder to achieve this.
QualificationsThe assessment criteria for employment shall primarily apply to the degree of such skill, which is a requirement for eligibility for employment.
The assessment of research expertise will take into account the following:
The assessment of teaching expertise will take into account the following:
Furthermore, expertise in the following will be taken into account:
Specific competence in the following, with relevance to the overall subject Chemical Ecology - Disease vectors is particularly meritorious:
Good knowledge of Swedish is a merit.
When assessing the candidate's qualifications, equal attention will be given to teaching and research expertise, respectively.
The position will be offered to the candidate who, after a qualitative overall assessment, is assessed to have the best qualifications to carry out and develop current tasks and contribute to a positive development of the department and SLU.
Working at SLUAt SLU, you become part of a vibrant research environment that is based on active collaboration. As an employee at SLU, you have access to a number of benefits (including Swedish family healthcare, parental leave, and generous paid leave policies). Read more about benefits at SLU here. SLU is often highly ranked in the various university rankings that are made around the world and is ranked as one of Sweden's most attractive workplaces.
Sweden also has a well-established pre-school structure and a free education system. Find out more facts and stories about Sweden at www.
SLU in Alnarp is located in southern Sweden near the university cities of Lund and Malmö, and Copenhagen in Denmark. The Öresund region offers a rich history and culture and is a real academic and cultural hub.
Application deadline:2025-03-17
Place of work:Alnarp
Form of employment:Permanent employment
Starting date:By agreement.
Application:It is desirable that the application is written in English, because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.
"Appointment procedures for SLU" and "General assessment criteria for the appointment of teachers" can be found here.
Please apply by clicking the apply-button below.
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Contact person
Rickard Ignell
Head of department/Professor
Torleif Ljung
Administrative Officer
+46 (0)40-415044