Reseacher, Institute Of Odontology

Göteborg University
February 29, 2024
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

Göteborgs universitet möter samhällets utmaningar med mångsidig kunskap. 56 000 studenter och 6 600 medarbetare gör universitetet till en stor och inspirerande arbetsplats. Stark forskning och attraktiva utbildningar lockar forskare och studenter från hela världen. Med ny kunskap och nya perspektiv bidrar Göteborgs universitet till en bättre framtid.

The Institute of Odontology offers students and researchers an inspiring environment with education and research in the dental field. Our programs comprise about 600 undergraduate students and 45 doctoral students. The clinical training part of the programs is performed in collaboration with the Public Dental Service, Region of Västra Götaland.

The Department of Periodontology is active in a wide range of research fields. The presently announced position is linked to projects on functional characteristics of periodontitis and peri-implantitis lesions in humans. The projects emphasize the combination of surgical tissue sampling from patients with periodontitis or peri-implantitis and the preparation and analysis of specimens using novel techniques on cellular functions.


The position consists primarily of research within the fields of periodontology and dental implants. The work includes oral tissue sampling in conjunction with surgical treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases, processing and analysis of tissue specimens including advanced molecular biology techniques, and relevant statistical analysis of research data. Contribution in tutorship of undergraduate and postgraduate students is also a part of duties. The candidate is expected to be able to manage all components listed above largely independent of outside help.


The candidate should be a trained researcher (PhD or equivalent) and have detailed knowledge and experience in the processing and analysis of oral tissue specimens (light microscopy, TEM, immunohistochemistry, micro-PIXE, image software, cell counting, molecular biology data), and an understanding of relevant statistical analysis. A dental degree with a license to practice in Sweden is a requirement and clinical experience as a specialist in periodontology is preferred due to the area of research.

Working experience

Previous experience of working with above-mentioned models and methodology within the area of dental research is an advantage. The candidate should also be used to cooperate with technical (eg image technicians) and laboratory staff.


The employment is a permanent position, 50% of full-time, and is placed at the Institute of Odontology.

Starting date: as soon as possible or as agreed. Probationary employment may be applied.

Contact information for the post

If you have questions regarding the employment please contact senior professor Tord Berglundh ([email protected]) or associate professor Jan Derks ([email protected]).

Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here : https: // www.


To apply for a position at the University of Gothenburg, you must create an account in our recruitment system. Submit your application via the recruitment portal of the University of Gothenburg by clicking the “Apply” button.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is complete as per the vacancy notice, and that the application is received by the University by the final deadline.

Please enclose certificates for PhD, DDS and Specialisation in Periodontology with the application.

Applications must be received by: 2024-02-29.

Universitetet arbetar aktivt för en arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvalitéer mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Universitetet tillämpar individuell lönesättning.

Enligt Riksarkivets föreskrifter är universitetet skyldigt att förvara ansökningshandlingar i två år efter tillsättningsbeslutet. Om du som sökande till en anställning särskilt begär tillbaka dina handlingar återsänds de när de två åren har förflutit, i annat fall kommer de att gallras ut.

Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Göteborgs universitet anlitar upphandlad annonsbyrå i samband med rekrytering av personal. Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

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