Associate Senior Lecturer In Molecular Medicine

Göteborg University
February 15, 2024
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Fixed-term employmen
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

Open positions in the Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellows program in Sweden

Molecular medicine leverages physical, chemical, biological, informatic and medical tools to increase understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease towards the aim of improved prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. The Wallenberg Molecular Medicine Fellows program aims to recruit outstanding young scientists within the area of molecular medicine and to provide them with resources, core facilities and a research environment that enables them to realize their full scientific potential and significantly advance the field of molecular medicine in Sweden.

Four centers have been established within the program, in Gothenburg, Linköping, Lund, and Umeå, with extensive collaboration between centers, with SciLifeLab centers, as well as the national Data-driven life science (DDLS) program. Collectively, the centers have recruited >100 fellows and are currently in the process of recruiting >12 additional fellows for the period 2025-2028. More information about the centres can be found at https: // Fellows in the Molecular medicine program and DDLS program become part of the Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science (PALS, https: // www.

The program was established in collaboration between the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation and each of the four contributing Universities and Hospital regions, as part of a national agenda to further strengthen Sweden´s position within molecular medicine.

The Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Translational Medicine (WCMTM) in Gothenburg

The Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine at the University in Gothenburg was established in collaboration between the KAW Foundation, Hospital Region West and AstraZeneca. The Centre includes activities at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Faculty of Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and AstraZeneca in order to ensure unique translational research environments in the interface between academia, health care and the pharmaceutical industry. Activities at the Centre in Gothenburg are particularly focused on molecular medicine for metabolic and degenerative diseases, neuroscience, inflammation, and cancer as well as life science chemistry. The Centre has to date recruited 27 young researchers within these areas who contribute to the center. More information about our research groups and ongoing research activities within our focus areas can be found at www.

About this position at the University of Gothenburg

In the present announcement, we are searching for a candidate with expertise and good scientific credentials in translational molecular medicine for a tenure track position as an Associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor). An additional incentive for the position is a support package including funding for group members as postdoctoral associate and/or PhD student as well as support for expenditures.

Within the program of the Wallenberg Centre, the successful candidate will be given the possibility to develop their full potential as a leading independent scientist in a flourishing academic environment linked to the Sahlgrenska Academy, Sahlgrenska University Hospital and AstraZeneca in Gothenburg.

The successful candidate will become part of the scientific environment and network that is established both locally and nationally within the four Wallenberg Centres for molecular medicine in Sweden, as well as being a member of PALS (Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science).

The successful candidate will be located at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology (CMB; https:// at the Faculty of Science. CMB conducts research and education of highest quality in three main fields: biomolecular sciences, environmental sciences, and fundamental chemical sciences.

Research at the department is strongly focused on basic science and covers a wide scientific spectrum from the atomic and molecular levels all the way through cells to intact organisms. Much of the phenomena studied illustrate the chemical and biological interplay between molecules in our natural environment as well as in living systems.

The department comprises about 40 academic staff and 85 postgraduate/PhD students. CMB is responsible for the undergraduate programs in molecular biology, genomics and systems biology, chemistry, organic and medicinal chemistry, as well as the bachelor program in Pharmacy. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the long-term strengthening of the existing activities within Life Sciences at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology.

The University of Gothenburg is mobilising in the area of life sciences and as part of these effort, Natrium — a modern building for research and education, was completed in 2023. The building brings together several departments at the Faculty of Science and is located directly in connection to the medical faculty, Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Nearby, you find Sahlgrenska Core facilities with important infrastructure platforms as well as the Swedish NMR Centre. In addition, the researchers have extensive collaborations with AstraZeneca R&D in Mölndal.

Subject area

Molecular medicine

Subject area description

The subject area concerns research in the general area of molecular medicine. The research activities should be directed towards translational molecular medicine using experimental functional studies using in vitro and in vivo model systems and/or patient materials.


The successful candidate is expected to initiate a competitive research program and start or further develop an independent line of research within the field described above. The successful candidate is expected to actively participate in the local meetings and activities within WCMTM as well as in meetings within the network of the three other Wallenberg Centres for Molecular Medicine in Lund, Linköping and Umeå, DDLS and Science for Life Laboratories. The successful candidate is expected to actively contribute to cooperation within the subject area of the position, and to actively apply for external funding.

The job assignments include planning and performing teaching in postgraduate, graduate, and undergraduate programs. The teaching includes lectures, exercises, and examinations as well as the supervision of doctoral and undergraduate students. Candidates without university-level teacher experience should participate in pedagogy courses for higher education within two years of hiring.


Eligibility for employment as a teacher are given in the Higher education ordinance chapter 4, and in the employment regulations of the University of Gothenburg.

A PhD degree in a subject area relevant to the position or equivalent scientific competence is a requirement. An applicant with a degree that is judged to be comparable is also eligible. Preference is given to applicants who have been awarded a PhD degree, a comparable degree or achieved equivalent scientific competence no more than five years before the expiration date of this announcement. Applicants who have obtained a doctorate earlier may also be given primary consideration if there are special reasons. Special reasons include leave of absence due to illness, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

It is required to have demonstrated ability to perform molecular research on materials of animal or human origin in experimental translational medicine.

To have documented ability to attract substantial external research funding is a requirement.

Documented ability to teach in English or Swedish is a requirement. If the successful candidate is only proficient in one of these languages, he/she will be expected to eventually teach in Swedish after a period of 2–4 years. The university offers courses in Swedish as a second language.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria for employment as a teacher are given in the Higher education ordinance, and in the employment regulations of the University of Gothenburg.

Applications will be assessed primarily for scientific proficiency, and secondarily for pedagogic and administrative proficiency. All assessment criteria will be evaluated with the same accuracy. It is required that the scientific, pedagogical and professional proficiency are all relevant for the subject area and the job assignments of the employment

In the assessment of scientific proficiency, special emphasis is placed on the level of independently conducted research in molecular medicine. More specifically, the employee must have documented experience in translational molecular medicine with experimental functional studies in model systems in vitro or in vivo and/or patient materials.

The scientific proficiency is assessed based on publications in leading international journals. Quality and impact carry more weight than the total output. Merit is attributed to demonstrated success in attracting external funding in national or international competitions, as well as participation in national and international collaborative projects. Scientific proficiency is also evaluated based on the scientific quality of the attached research program and demonstrated ability to develop and lead research activities relevant to the current position.

Furthermore, the applicant's personal suitability and the plan to establish an independent research group will carry significant weight in the overall assessment during the interview, as well as plans for interaction with the research groups at the Wallenberg Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Science, Chalmers University of Technology, AstraZeneca, and the other Wallenberg Centers, DDLS, and SciLifeLab.

In the assessment of pedagogical proficiency, particular emphasis is placed on well-documented expertise in planning, implementing, and leading instruction. Merit is given to documented ability to supervise doctoral students and students in master's and undergraduate programs.

The overall assessment of applications considers competence, developmental potential, and the ability to perform job duties, collaborate with others, and contribute to the positive development of the organization. Experience in various research environments, especially postdoctoral stays at universities other than the one that awarded the candidate's doctoral degree, and demonstrated international mobility, are meritorious.

The assessment of qualifications and experience takes into account parental leave, sick leave, and other circumstances. The reasons for and extent of absence should be specified in the application and supported by certificates.


Type of Employment: Fixed-term employment, 4 years

Extent: Full-time (100 %)

Location: Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg

Start date: As soon as possible or by agreement

An appointment as an associate senior lecturer is limited in time and defined as a tenure track position. The purpose of the appointment is to provide you with the opportunity to develop your independence as a researcher and to qualify both scientifically and pedagogically to meet the eligibility requirements for promotion to senior lecturer.

The appointment may be renewed, however, for a maximum total of two years, if additional time is needed due to sick leave, parental leave, or other specific reasons to achieve the purpose of the appointment.

Selection process

The selection process includes the evaluation by external experts, interviews, and oral presentations.

The candidate will be given the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Science to assess in which environment the planned research program fits best.

Contact information

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Margit Mahlapuu, associate director Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine; [email protected]


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: https: // www.


You apply for the position through the University of Gothenburg's recruitment portal by clicking the "Apply" button. As the applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that the application is complete in accordance with the advertisement and that it reaches the university no later than the final application deadline. The selection is based on the qualifications registered in the application.

The merits should be documented so that both quality and scope can be assessed.

Please note that the following documents should be attached:

  • Cover letter
  • CV, including a list of publications and research grants obtained (with amounts)
  • Description of scientific experience and a list of ten selected scientific publications, along with a justification for choosing these
  • A research plan with a description of ongoing and planned research, as well as other planned activities of relevance to this position (maximum five pages)
  • Description of pedagogical experience, including information on the extent and level of your teaching and an evaluation of your pedagogical ability. The description should also include a reflection on your pedagogical approach and philosophy.
  • Description of experience in administrative tasks such as collaborative projects and/or leadership or managerial positions.
  • Doctoral degree certificate and other certificates/proof/grades supporting the applicant's qualifications
  • If applicable, a certificate of absence due to illness, parental leave, or other similar circumstances.
  • The application should be written in English as it may be assessed by international experts.

    Applications must be received by: 2024-02-15


    The successful candidate is expected to seek external national and international research grants to complement the start-up package.

    An individual scientific and pedagogical development plan will be established by agreement between the individual and the head of the department.

    If the applicant lacks formal university pedagogical education at the University of Gothenburg, the applicant is expected to have completed university pedagogical training or otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge within one year of the commencement of employment. The assessment of such pedagogical qualifications will be conducted separately in accordance with decisions made by the rector.

    Promotion to Senior Lecturer is expected within four to five years. The application for promotion is expected to be submitted at least 6 months before the end of the employment period.

    Criteria for promotion from Assistant senior lecturer to Senior


    For promotion from assistant senior lecturer to senior lecturer, applicants are expected to:

  • Be eligible for a position as a senior lecturer, demonstrating both pedagogical skills and holding a doctoral degree or having equivalent scientific competence or other professional skills relevant to the subject matter and job tasks included in the position,
  • Be deemed suitable for such a position according to the assessment criteria applied in the current promotion process.
  • Normally, applicants are required to hold the title of docent.

    Criteria for scientific competence and proficiency

    The applicant, at the time of promotion, should have attained the scientific competence and proficiency required for appointment as a docent at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg. This includes:

  • Demonstrated high-level international scientific activity.
  • Scientific output in the form of high-quality publications, published in reputable international peer-reviewed journals or in another form appropriate for the subject area.
  • Scientific independence, demonstrated by the ability to independently formulate and solve scientific problems and the necessary overview of the subject area to lead research work. In a larger research group, this involves having a distinct research profile and/or special competence.
  • Active participation in the international scientific community, such as at conferences, as a reviewer for journals, in international collaborative projects, or in a manner suitable for the subject area.
  • Demonstrated ability to secure the funding necessary for the research activities. As a general rule, applicants, as project leaders, should have obtained research funds from research councils or equivalent in national or international competition, but the extent of external funding may vary by subject.
  • Documented relevant research collaboration with authorities, industry, or similar entities is strongly meritorious.
  • Criteria for pedagogical competence and proficiency

    The applicant, at the time of promotion, should demonstrate pedagogical competence and proficiency, including:

  • Well-developed pedagogical skills, demonstrated by the ability to independently plan, lead, and conduct high-quality teaching at the undergraduate and advanced levels.
  • Independent reflection on pedagogical and/or didactic issues, documented in pedagogical development work. This work may involve the development of new teaching materials, courses, teaching methods, or examination formats.
  • Demonstrated ability to connect teaching to relevant research and collaboration.
  • Experience in supervising independent work at the undergraduate and advanced levels, as well as supervision related to doctoral studies and other teaching within postgraduate education, is highly meritorious.
  • These criteria also include the following requirements assessed by the Academic recruitment committee at the Faculty of Science:

  • Completion of university pedagogical training, including supervisor training, equivalent to 20 higher education credits (HPE101, HPE102, HPE103, and HPE201 or equivalent).
  • Ability to teach in Swedish, demonstrated through a presentation to the Academic recruitment committee.
  • Ability to give an instructive and clarifying lecture, demonstrated through a trial lecture for the Academic recruitment committee or by being appointed as a docent.
  • Criteria for other merits

    Other merits for promotion to senior lecturer include participation in overall planning and management of scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as administrative assignments.

    Additional information

    Choosing a career in a foreign country is a significant step and raises many questions about what can be expected. To gain a better understanding of what we and the city of Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and living environment in general, please visit https:// www. and https: // www. the-university/welcome-services, as well as https: // www.

    We can offer relocation support.

    Like most Scandinavian countries, Sweden provides a high quality of life with generous vacation time and tax-funded healthcare. As with all employers in Sweden, we provide 480 days of parental leave, which can be freely utilized by both parents until the child is 12 years old. Families in Sweden are guaranteed a spot in daycare within 4 months of application, and education is tuition-free. The university is located in Gothenburg, Sweden's second-largest city, with excellent public transportation and a vibrant international environment

    The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations.

    Salaries are set individually at the University.

    In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden's regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed.

    In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

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