Nagoya University

Country: Japan
Address:Furocho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan

About Nagoya University

Nagoya University, since its foundation in 1939, is one of seven imperial universities which has developed into one of the nation’s leading universities. Having established its basic philosophy for teaching and research it has created a unique system of education and research allowing the university to achieve high standards in research, while cultivating Japan’s foremost leaders, as evidenced by its accounting for almost one third of Japan’s Nobel laureates in Science. This success is attributed to the liberal and vibrant character of Nagoya University which encourages education and research that is free from traditional and rigid thinking. From an international perspective, Nagoya University boasts one of the highest ratios of international students in Japan, having close to 200 international academic exchange agreements with overseas institutions. Nagoya University is proud to have developed into a truly world-class university, and aims to gain even further ground and compete with the top universities



Nagoya University

Address:Furocho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan
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