MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences

Address:MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN

About MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences

London Institute of Medical Sciences (LMS) is an MRC institute located on Hammersmith hospital campus. The institute is also a part of Imperial College London.

Research at the institute covers a broad range of topics from basic biology of archaea to behavioural genetics of C. elegans and clinical studies. Our lab is a part of the Quantitative biology section of the LMS that combines computational and experimental approaches in the areas of systems biology, epigenetics, cancer, development and metabolism.

The MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences (MRC LMS), under the interim directorship of Professor Petra Hajkova, is at the forefront of innovative biomedical research and, in partnership with Imperial College London and others, promotes the translation of its research for maximal benefit.

The institute is also committed to training and mentoring the next generation of leading clinical and non-clinical scientists, and to enhancing the public’s interest, understanding and trust in science.

The LMS was established as a research institute of the Medical Research Council in 1998 and works in close partnership with Imperial College London at its Hammersmith Hospital Campus.



MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences

Phone:+44 20 7594 2727
Address:MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN
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