Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education

Country: Australia
Address:Cnr Awilla Rd and Nurndina Crescent, Batchelor NT 0845, Australia

About Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education

Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (generally known as Batchelor Institute and formerly known as Batchelor College) provides training and further education, and higher education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is based in Kungarakan and Warai country, in Batchelor, Northern Territory in Australia.

Batchelor Institute is classified as a 'Table A' tertiary education provider. Like an increasing number of universities, Batchelor Institute is a dual-sector institution, providing Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training courses. The Institute is the first Indigenous-controlled higher education institution in Australia. It is also unusual in that most of its students are over 30 years of age, and a high proportion of its students are female.



Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education

Phone:+61 1800 677 095
Address:Cnr Awilla Rd and Nurndina Crescent, Batchelor NT 0845, Australia
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