
Dec 16 2022

Postdoc: The truth you should know before doing it.

Mark Anton

Career advice

A postdoctoral researcher, or postdoc, is someone who has recently completed a PhD and is working on a temporary research project, typically in academia. Postdocs are usually hired to work on a specific project under the supervision of a more experienced researcher, such as a professor or senior scientist.


Postdocs are an important part of the academic research community, as they provide valuable research experience and help to build connections and collaborations within their field. Many postdocs go on to become professors or researchers in academia, while others may pursue careers in industry or government.


Postdocs typically work on a fixed-term contract and may be paid a salary or stipend. The duration of a postdoc position can vary, but it is typically two to three years. Postdocs are expected to publish research papers and may also be involved in teaching or other academic responsibilities.


Why many people can not get permanent position after postdoc period


There are many reasons why some people may not be able to secure a permanent position after their postdoc period. Some of the most common reasons include:


  • Limited availability of permanent positions: There may be few or no permanent positions available in a person's field or at the institution where they did their postdoc.


  • Competition for positions: There may be many highly qualified candidates competing for a limited number of permanent positions, making it difficult for any one person to stand out.


  • Lack of experience: Some people may not have had enough experience or may not have developed a strong enough research record during their postdoc to be competitive for a permanent position.


  • Personal circumstances: Some people may decide not to pursue a permanent position due to personal circumstances, such as a desire to return to their home country or to pursue a different career path.


  • Changing career goals: Some people may realize during their postdoc that they are not interested in a permanent academic position or that they would prefer to work in industry or government.


Why salary in postdoc is not high


  • Postdoctoral researchers, or postdocs, are typically paid a salary or stipend that is lower than that of a permanent faculty member or researcher. There are a few reasons for this:


  • Postdocs are usually hired to work on a specific project for a fixed period of time, typically two to three years. As a result, their salaries are often considered temporary or provisional.


  • Postdocs are often paid based on their qualifications and experience, which may be lower than those of permanent faculty members.


  • The budget for a postdoc position may be limited, especially if the position is funded by a grant or contract.


  • In some cases, postdocs may be paid less than other researchers because they are expected to gain valuable research experience and training during their postdoc, which may lead to more opportunities in the future.



How to get a permannent position after posdoc


Here are a few steps that can help postdoctoral researchers increase their chances of securing a permanent position:


  • Build a strong research record: During your postdoc, focus on producing high-quality research and publishing your work in reputable journals. This will help you establish yourself as a productive and respected researcher in your field.


  • Network and build relationships: Attend conferences, workshops, and other professional events to meet other researchers and build relationships within your field. These connections can help you learn about job openings and may even lead to recommendations or introductions to potential employers.


  • Develop your teaching skills: Many permanent positions in academia involve teaching responsibilities. Consider taking on teaching or mentoring roles during your postdoc to gain experience and build your teaching portfolio.


  • Be proactive: Keep an eye out for job openings and apply to positions that align with your skills and interests. Tailor your application materials to the specific position and highlight your relevant experience and achievements.


  • Consider alternative career paths: If you are having difficulty finding a permanent position in academia, consider exploring alternative career paths, such as working in industry or government. These types of organizations often value the skills and expertise that postdocs have developed.


  • Securing a permanent position after a postdoc can be a competitive and challenging process, but by building a strong research record, networking and building relationships, developing your teaching skills, being proactive, and considering alternative career paths, you can increase your chances of success.




Tags: postdoctoral researcher,salary postdoc
