
Aug 06 2022

Positive Psychological Effects of Video Games on Children


Case Studies

Video games are one of the most commonly used forms of entertainment for children, yet they are also one of the most commonly misunderstood. Many people believe that video games cause psychological harm to children, but research has shown that this is not the case.

In fact, playing video games can have many benefits for children. Studies have shown that video games can actually have positive effects on children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Let’s take a look at the psychology of video games and further examine why your child might not be procrastinating.

Improve mood and strengthen social skills

Playing video games is not only enjoyable but also has several cognitive and emotional benefits. According to a study published by American Psychologist, playing video games can help improve mood and strengthen social skills.

Countless researchers have surveyed children and adolescents about their gaming habits and then assessed their moods and social skills. The findings showed that those who played video games more frequently had better moods and stronger social skills than those who didn't play as often.

Video games provide a sense of mastery and control which can boost mood, the researchers said. They can also help children learn to navigate social relationships by providing opportunities for practicing positive interactions with others.

Video games are a great way for children to blow off some steam, have fun, and boost their mood and social skills at the same time.

Boost creativity

There is a common misconception that video games are bad for children and stifle their creativity. However, according to a study by the University of Rochester, video games actually boost the creativity of children. The study found that children who played video games for just 10 minutes were more creative than those who didn’t play at all.

The study also found that the more video games children played, the more creative they became. This is likely because playing video games requires problem solving and imagination, which are both skills that help boost creativity.

So if you’re worried that your child isn’t being as creative as they could be, don’t be – just let them play some video games!

Longer attention span and greater working memory

Video games have been shown to improve attention span and working memory performance.

Action video games, such as first-person shooters, require players to keep track of multiple objects in a scene and respond quickly. This type of game requires a good attention span and working memory skills.

Other video games, such as puzzles or strategy games, may not be as beneficial for improving attention span and working memory performance.

The benefits of playing video games for attention span and working memory may be due to the challenge presented by certain types of games.

Better hand-eye coordination

Playing video games can help improve hand-eye coordination. You must use your hands to control the game console and your eyes to track the on-screen action when playing a video game. This can help improve your hand-eye coordination in real life.

Studies have shown that people who play video games often have better hand-eye coordination than those who don't play video games. Video gamers are able to track objects with their eyes more quickly and accurately. They are also able to react more quickly to visual cues.

The improved hand-eye coordination that comes from playing video games can benefit many areas of life. It can help you become a better driver, a better basketball player, and a better golfer. It can also help you perform everyday tasks more efficiently.

Develop stronger problem-solving skills

Gamers are often good at problem-solving. Researchers have found that video gaming can help improve problem-solving skills.

So, why are video games so good for problem-solving? One reason may be that they require players to think on their feet and come up with quick solutions to complex problems. In many cases, the fate of the game rests on the player's ability to solve problems quickly and effectively.

This type of environment can be very beneficial for training the mind to think more efficiently and solve problems in a more timely manner.

Researchers believe that the skills acquired while playing video games can be transferred to other areas of life, such as school or work.

The Bottom Line

Parents have long been debating whether or not to allow their children to play video games. On one side, many parents argue that video games are too violent and can be addictive. On the other hand, some parents believe that video games can help improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills.

So, what is the truth?

The answer is that it depends on how much and what type of video games children play. Too much screen time can be harmful to a child’s physical and mental health, but playing moderate amounts of video games can actually have benefits.

If you want to support your child's healthy gaming habit but don't want to splurge on games too much, check out GCLoot. GCLoot is a reward site for gamers that offers rewards for completing tasks. This site is perfect for parents who want to encourage their children to play games without spending a lot of money. Get free Steam gift cards and many more awesome prizes!

Tags: Psychological Effects of Video Games on Children
