
Apr 27 2023

How Tutoring Impacts Student Performance And Career Prospects



Every parent wants the best for their children. As a parent, you strive to help your child reach their fullest potential through encouragement, inspiration, and enrollment in group classes that develop their skills and provide socialization opportunities.  


But you might need more effort to prepare your child for college and their career. Here are some instances that may indicate that crowded classrooms aren't practical for your child:  

  • They might be uncomfortable being corrected in front of strangers.  
  • They might hold back from participating in sessions due to shyness. 
  • They don't feel motivated enough to learn during group discussions. 
  • Some students disrupt classes. Some are noisy, while others lack discipline.  

In light of these challenges, you might consider private tutoring services as an alternative educational approach to better support your child's growth and success.   

What Is Tutoring?  


Tutoring is a form of academic instruction that provides one-on-one guidance for students. A tutor from Emergent Education Tutoring in Portland or a similar institute works with students on specific subjects. For instance, your child is struggling with both Science and Mathematics. In that case, the tutor offers assistance besides the student's school educators.   


Tutors provide a variety of services, such as:  

  • Extra practice with specific skills and concepts 
  • Thorough review before tests and examinations 
  • Tips for improving study habits 
  • Advice on finding the child's career path  

Tutoring can occur in schools, homes, online, or public settings. Aside from one-on-one sessions, there are group classes with only two to three students. In short, parents can book an appointment with a tutor for all their children. But if you want a more personalized learning experience for your child, it's best to find tutors who provide private lessons. This way, your kid gets undivided attention from the tutor. 

Now that you know how tutoring works, it's time to dig deep into its advantages.   

6 Reasons Why Your Child Must Leverage Tutoring  



The following are some of the benefits of providing a tutor for your child:  


1. It Expands Their Time Management Skills  


Time management is essential in both school and work environments. Students who can't manage their time often struggle with assignments and projects. This leads to poor scores, making it hard for them to get into the university of their choice.   


And if students continue to slack off with time management, they might bring it to the workplace. This could result in missed deadlines and low-quality output. In many cases, these employees often job hops due to poor performance.  


To combat this, it would help if you enrolled your child with a tutor. With every session, your kid develops time management skills to complete tasks on time. This prevents them from falling into procrastination and project delays. This gives your child the discipline to keep up with his assignments. And in the long run, they show the potential that they're competent job seekers.   


2. It Identifies Learning Difficulties  


Many learning difficulties can affect a student's ability to learn, including:  


  • Dyscalculia, a condition that makes it difficult to learn math, affecting not only a person's ability to work with numbers but also their visual-spatial skills, such as recalling objects or navigating through an environment.  

  • A student with Dyslexia has difficulty reading and speaking. It impacts their memory, and they might be unable to communicate their thoughts through speaking.   

  • Dysgraphia is a learning disorder that makes it hard for students to process written words or symbols. They might need help with forming letters correctly or spacing between words properly. In short, it's difficult for them to work alone on assignments where they need these skills.  

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects a child's ability to focus on tasks. This means that they struggle to concentrate on their studies since anything can divert their attention. Those with this condition tend to get distracted when sitting in class or taking exams.  

  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is common among children with weak verbal skills. DLD can affect a child's speaking, listening, reading, and writing.  

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a condition that affects a person's movement. This includes balance and eye-hand coordination. Symptoms of DCD may include difficulty performing in school activities such as writing, coloring, and using scissors.  

When you bring your child to a tutor, they might discover their learning difficulties. They'll help overcome these issues by giving them individualized attention. Besides, they'll develop strategies that will make your kid perform well in class.  


A tutor can help identify learning difficulties and provide individualized attention and strategies to improve performance. They may also recommend consulting a child psychiatrist for further diagnosis and treatment options, which could include specialized schooling and therapies to support your child's academic success and future career.  


3. It Helps With Independence   

Adults are expected to be independent, able to manage their finances, organize their schedules, and handle responsibilities, particularly in stressful situations at school or work. Students who lack independence may struggle after graduation, especially when competing with other job-seeking fresh graduates.   


To mitigate this risk, consider providing your child with opportunities to learn independence. Self-directed learning is what tutoring does best. Tutors teach kids how to initiate answering their assignments without you reminding them. Your child will also become better at understanding texts and jotting down notes. They'll also learn how to identify and utilize reliable sources of information.  


Over time, your child becomes a self-starter. In other words, they can handle projects and tasks independently without supervision. And when it's time to face the adult world, it's easier for them to adjust. 


For example, if they encounter a job rejection, they will be better equipped to treat it as a learning experience, allowing them to continue seeking new employment opportunities or even consider starting their own business.  


4. It Aids Their Study Habits  


Good study habits are crucial for a student's academic success and can help minimize anxiety during exams and project deadlines. Without proper study habits, students may struggle to cope with pressure, such as unexpected tests or last-minute assignments, leading to poor performance and a lack of understanding of course concepts.  


Effective study habits involve setting clear goals, organizing schedules, and dedicating time for regular studying. This allows students to focus on understanding topics rather than memorizing everything at once, and it also frees up time for extracurricular activities.  


A tutor can help your child develop good study habits, which will be beneficial not only in their academic life but also in their future career. With improved study habits, your child will be better equipped to brainstorm and resolve issues systematically, contributing to their career advancement.  


5. It Facilitates Concentration  

Tutoring can greatly enhance a student's ability to concentrate on their studies. With personalized attention from a tutor, your child can focus on their lessons without the distractions typically found in a classroom setting. This one-on-one environment encourages students to actively engage with the material, promoting a deeper understanding of the concepts. 


Tutors can also help students develop strategies to maintain concentration while studying independently. Techniques such as breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting achievable goals can make it easier for your child to stay focused. Additionally, tutors can share tips on creating a distraction-free study space and managing time effectively to maximize productivity.  


As your child's concentration improves through tutoring, they will be more likely to excel academically and feel confident in their abilities. This newfound focus can also benefit their future career, as they will be better prepared to tackle tasks and solve problems in a systematic and efficient manner.  


6. It Improves The Student's Confidence  

Confidence plays a crucial role in a student's academic success, and tutoring can be an effective way to boost their self-esteem. With personalized guidance and support, students can overcome challenges and achieve a better understanding of subjects they may have struggled with in the past. As they start seeing progress in school, their confidence grows, enabling them to approach new challenges with a positive mindset.  


Tutors can help students build confidence by providing constructive feedback and celebrating their achievements, both big and small. This reinforcement encourages students to believe in their abilities and continue striving for improvement. Furthermore, tutors can teach students how to effectively manage their emotions and deal with setbacks, which is essential for maintaining confidence and resilience.  


As students become more confident in their academic abilities, they will be more likely to participate in class, ask questions, and seek help when needed. This proactive attitude can lead to even greater academic success and a deeper understanding of the material. Importantly, this newfound confidence can also extend beyond the classroom, positively impacting their social interactions and future career prospects.  

Summing It Up  


As a parent, you are committed to nurturing your child's growth and setting them up for success in their academic journey and future career. Providing them with the necessary resources, guidance, and support is crucial to help them excel in all aspects of their lives. 


Investing in your child's education through tutoring is an investment in their future. By equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and self-belief they need, you are giving them the best possible foundation for a bright and fulfilling future.

Tags: tutoring
