
Nov 23 2023

How to Hone Your Communication Skills for Success

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Career advice

Are you seeking better communication and career success? Effective communication matters for leaders, students, job seekers, and anyone seeking to build meaningful connections.

This guide will help you enhance verbal and nonverbal communication and build meaningful relationships in any scenario.

We’ll also provide advice on how best to use these new and honed skills to capitalise on opportunities with confidence.

Improving Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is about sharing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas so others can understand and appreciate them. Below, are simple methods to improve verbal communication:

     Speak clearly: What and how you say it matters. Ensure you can be heard and speak clearly and slowly express your thoughts.

Listen actively: Communication isn't just about speaking, it's also about listening. Show interest in what others say, respond to their comments and ask follow-up questions to demonstrate engagement.

 Use simple wording: Keep your language simple and avoid jargon or complex terms. Not everyone may understand industry-specific language. It's essential to ensure your message is accessible to all.

   Be concise: Keep your points brief and to the point. Long-winded explanations can confuse and lose your listener's attention.

 Consider your tone: Your tone can change your message's meaning. Make sure your tone matches what you're trying to communicate.

 Use body language: Your body language can support or contradict your words. Use gestures, facial expressions, and posture to reinforce your message.


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Enhancing Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is just as crucial as the words you speak. It includes your gestures, facial expressions, and even how you stand, which can express much without saying a word. Here are some nonverbal communication tips:

1.   Pay attention to your body language: Body language can say a lot. Stand tall, make eye contact, and avoid crossing your arms to show you're open and receptive.

2.   Use appropriate facial expressions: Your face reveals much about your thoughts and emotions. Be aware of your facial expressions when interacting with others.

3.    Practise good stance: How you carry yourself can convey confidence and positivity. Stand or sit up straight, avoid slouching, and keep your head high.

4.    Use effective gestures: Hand movements can emphasize your points and show enthusiasm. Just be cautious not to overuse it!

5.  Maintain eye contact: Eye contact might demonstrate that you're paying attention and are interested in the conversation. But keep in mind that there is a sensitive line between initiating eye contact and looking.

6.   Respect personal space: Keep a comfortable distance from others during conversation to avoid making them uncomfortable.

Communication for Career Success

Improving your communication abilities can lead to new chances and help you advance in your job. It's more than just conversing; it's about connecting with others, understanding their needs, and making a difference.

You may wonder how. Imagine meeting a potential client. You're there to learn about their needs, build connections, and show them how you can help, not just sell.

All this takes great communication skills! So whether you're a student just starting, a professional looking to climb the ladder, or a leader hoping to inspire, improving your communication skills can be your secret weapon for success.

If you want to improve your communication skills and boost your career, learn about the online Graduate Certificate of Communication from ECU.

The program offers a flexible learning schedule and practical knowledge that you can apply immediately in your personal and professional life.

Practising Communication Skills

Excelling in communication is not an overnight achievement but a journey. It calls for continuous practice and mindfulness. Let's explore some effective ways to practise and improve your communication skills.


This can be an enjoyable and interactive method of practising. You can act out several scenarios, such as a job interview, a business presentation, or a casual talk with friends. Role-playing can help you anticipate various scenarios and prepare your responses.


Don’t underestimate the power of constructive criticism. Ask someone you trust to observe your communication style and provide feedback. They may notice things you've overlooked and point out areas for improvement.

Watching and Learning

Pay attention to successful communicators around you or in the media. Observe their body language, chosen words, and how they handle different situations. You can learn much from their strengths and apply them to your style.

Reading and Writing

These are crucial tools in honing communication skills. Reading enhances your vocabulary and comprehension, while regular writing can improve your ability to express thoughts clearly and effectively.


Better communication isn't hard. Clear communication, good listening, and body language are key. Remember that your motions and expressions are as important as your words.

Keep it simple straight to the point, and always be considerate of your tone and the listener's perspective. And let's not forget about the all-important practice—role-play, get feedback, watch and learn, and read and write your way to being a stellar communicator.

Whether you're eyeing that promotion, leading a team, or just want to be better understood, these tips and tricks will help you communicate with confidence and style.




Tags: Communication Skills, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Career Success, Effective Communication Techniques, Practicing Communication Skills
