
Jun 22 2023

How to Get a Tribal Scholarship in 2023


Products & Services

In today's world, pursuing higher education has become increasingly expensive, making scholarships a vital resource for students seeking financial assistance. For individuals belonging to tribal communities, tribal scholarships can be a valuable opportunity to fund their educational journey. These scholarships are specifically designed to support Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students in achieving their academic goals. 

If you are interested in obtaining a tribal scholarship in 2023, this article will guide you through the process, from understanding what tribal scholarships entail to finding suitable opportunities and successfully applying for them.

What is a Tribal Scholarship?

A Source of Financial Aid: So, what is a tribal scholarship? Tribal scholarships are financial awards provided to individuals from Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities to assist them in pursuing higher education. These scholarships are often funded by tribal governments, corporations, non-profit organizations, or educational institutions dedicated to supporting indigenous students.

Criteria and Eligibility: Tribal scholarships typically have specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet. These requirements may vary depending on the scholarship program and can include factors such as tribal enrollment, community involvement, academic achievement, financial need, and intended field of study.

Promoting Cultural Preservation: Tribal scholarships often emphasize the importance of preserving indigenous cultures and traditions. Some scholarships may require applicants to demonstrate their commitment to their tribal heritage through essays, personal statements, or participation in community events.

Diverse Range of Scholarships: There is a wide range of tribal scholarships available, catering to various academic levels, including undergraduate, graduate, and vocational programs. Some scholarships are also specific to particular fields of study, such as STEM, arts and humanities, or healthcare.

Scholarship Benefits: Tribal scholarships provide financial assistance to cover various educational expenses, including tuition, books, supplies, room and board, and other related costs. The amount of the scholarship can vary, and some programs may offer renewable awards for multiple years.

Unique Opportunities and Resources: In addition to financial aid, tribal scholarships often provide additional benefits such as mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and access to cultural resources that can support students throughout their academic journey.


How to Find Tribal Scholarships


Consult Tribal Organizations: Start your search by reaching out to local and national tribal organizations, such as tribal councils, Native American community centers, and tribal education departments. These organizations often maintain lists of available scholarships and can provide guidance on application procedures.

Explore Online Resources: Utilize online scholarship search platforms, specifically those tailored to Native American students. Websites like Scholarships.com, College Board's BigFuture, and Fastweb offer comprehensive databases that allow you to filter and search for tribal scholarships based on eligibility criteria, field of study, and other relevant factors.

Check with Educational Institutions: Contact colleges, universities, and vocational schools that have a significant Native American student population or offer specific programs for indigenous students. These institutions may have dedicated scholarship opportunities or be able to direct you to external sources of tribal funding.

Research Tribal Corporations and Foundations: Many tribal corporations and foundations allocate funds for educational purposes, including scholarships. Explore opportunities provided by these entities, as they often prioritize supporting their tribal communities' educational endeavors.

Collaborate with High School Counselors: If you are currently in high school, consult your school's guidance counselors or college advisors. They may have access to resources specifically targeting Native American students or be knowledgeable about scholarship opportunities within your state or region.

Attend College Fairs and Events: Attend college fairs, educational workshops, and conferences aimed at Native American students. These events often feature scholarship representatives and offer valuable networking opportunities. Gather information, ask questions, and build connections with organizations that can assist you in your scholarship search.

Join Tribal Scholarship Programs: Some tribal scholarship programs, such as the American Indian College Fund, provide resources and support to students throughout the scholarship application process. Consider becoming a member of such programs to access exclusive scholarships and mentorship opportunities.


How to Apply for Tribal Scholarships

Review Eligibility Requirements: Thoroughly read and understand the eligibility criteria for each scholarship you intend to apply for. Take note of any specific documentation or proof required, such as tribal enrollment certificates, transcripts, or recommendation letters.

Gather Required Documents: Collect all necessary documents well in advance to ensure a smooth application process. These may include transcripts, proof of tribal enrollment, letters of recommendation, personal essays or statements, and financial information.

Prepare a Strong Application: Craft a compelling and well-structured personal statement or essay that highlights your academic achievements, community involvement, and commitment to your tribal heritage. Tailor your essay to align with the values and mission of the scholarship program.

Seek Letters of Recommendation: Request letters of recommendation from teachers, community leaders, or mentors who can speak to your character, academic abilities, and involvement in tribal or community activities. Provide them with sufficient time to write and submit their recommendations.

Complete the Application Form: Fill out the scholarship application form accurately and ensure all required sections are complete. Double-check for any errors or missing information before submitting your application.

Submit Application Materials: Organize and submit all required documents according to the scholarship program's instructions. Pay attention to deadlines and submission methods, whether it be online submission, email, or traditional mail.

Here is a helpful checklist of items to prepare for applying for a tribal scholarship:

  • Tribal enrollment certificate or documentation

  • Transcripts from high school or previous educational institutions

  • Letters of recommendation from teachers, community leaders, or mentors

  • Personal statement or essay highlighting academic achievements, community involvement, and commitment to tribal heritage

  • Financial information, such as tax documents or FAFSA forms

  • Proof of identity, such as a valid ID or driver's license

  • Completed scholarship application form

  • Proof of admission or enrollment to an educational institution (if available)

  • Any additional documents requested by the scholarship program

How to Find Schools for Your Tribal Scholarship

Research Tribal Colleges and Universities: Explore higher education institutions specifically established for Native American students, commonly known as tribal colleges and universities (TCUs). These institutions offer unique cultural experiences, smaller class sizes, and comprehensive support systems for indigenous students.

Consider Land-Grant Institutions: Land-grant universities, established under the Morrill Act, provide educational opportunities in agriculture, engineering, and related fields. Some land-grant institutions prioritize supporting Native American students and offer scholarship programs and resources tailored to their needs.

Look for Indigenous Student Support Services: Many colleges and universities have dedicated offices or programs that provide support to Native American students. These services may include academic advising, cultural programming, mentorship opportunities, and scholarships specifically for indigenous students.

Seek Tribal Connections: Research educational institutions located near your tribal community or within your region of interest. Building connections with institutions close to your community can provide a sense of familiarity and easier access to cultural resources and support networks.

Evaluate Academic Programs: Look for schools that offer academic programs aligned with your educational and career goals. Consider factors such as faculty expertise, research opportunities, internships, and alumni networks within your desired field of study.

Visit Campus and Attend Events: Whenever possible, visit the campuses of prospective schools to get a feel for the environment and explore the resources available to Native American students. Attend multicultural events or Native American student gatherings to connect with current students and faculty members.


Securing a tribal scholarship can be a significant step towards achieving your academic aspirations without the burden of excessive student debt. By understanding what tribal scholarships entail, actively searching for opportunities, carefully preparing your applications, and identifying suitable educational institutions, you can enhance your chances of obtaining a tribal scholarship in 2023. Remember to start your search early, stay organized, and utilize the resources available to you throughout the process. Embrace the unique opportunities and support provided by tribal scholarships to embark on an enriching educational journey that honors your cultural heritage.

Tags: what is a tribal scholarship
