Artificial Intelligence pioneered at Oxford to detect floods launches into space

July 03, 2021

The work is a first step towards relaying real time information from space to disaster response teams. The Oxford team has developed a machine learning / artificial intelligence model called ‘Worldfloods’ designed specifically for deployment in specialized hardware in space on low-cost satellites in Low Earth Orbit. Atilim Güneş Baydin, based at the Departments of Engineering Science and Computer Science, Oxford, said: ‘This will be the first time a machine learning model for this type of task will be actually deployed in space. The team includes Gonzalo Mateo-Garcia, Joshua Veitch-Michaelis, Lewis Smith, Silviu Oprea, Guy Schumann, Yarin Gal, Atılım Güneş Baydin, and Dietmar Backes. Three members are Oxford researchers: Atılım Güneş Baydin (Engineering Science and Computer Science), Yarin Gal (Computer Science), and Lewis Smith (DPhil student at Computer Science).

The source of this news is from University of Oxford