The Dean of the Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University announces a selection procedure for an academic position
Teaching assistant or assistant professor focusing on the teaching of pedagogical subjects and pedagogical practices in the undergraduate preparation of TV teachers and other sports professionals
At the Department of Physical Education and Social Sciences, we are looking for a new colleague who is interested in preparing future TV teachers and other sports professionals, especially by conducting teaching practice and teaching pedagogical subjects.
MU's Faculty of Sports Studies is a smaller, progressively developing faculty. Its mission is to contribute to a physically active and healthy life for all age and performance groups of the population and to develop knowledge in the field of sport and physical activity. The faculty is located on a modern university campus in Brno-Bohunice.
Job description:
Our idea of a suitable candidate:
We offer:
Please send your application by 16 September 2024 as an e-application (link: https: // www. and attach all required documents. After successful submission of your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt of your application to your e-mail address.
The following documents are required as part of your application:
Additional information can be found on the websites of Masaryk University or the Faculty of Sports Studies. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
In justified cases, the call for tenders may be extended, suspended or cancelled. The University rules for selection procedures are available on the MU notice board.