Recovery of biomass and tree diversity along a forest restoration continuum

Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture - University of São Paulo
December 29, 2023
Offerd Salary:R$ 9.047,40
Location:Av. Pádua Dias 11, Piracicaba-SP
Working address:Av. Pádua Dias 11, Piracicaba-SP
Contract Type:None
Working Time:Full-time position
Working type:On site
Ref info:N/A

FAPESP thematic project: Understanding restored forests’ contributions to nature and people – NewFor (18416-2)

 Post-doc project: Recovery of biomass and tree diversity along a forest restoration continuum


 Supervisor: Pedro H. S. Brancalion


 Project description: We are looking for a researcher for a short-term, 6 months post-doc focused on data analysis and publication of papers, to collaborate with a large, multidisciplinary team of researchers of the NewFor project. The researcher will focus on data analysis and modeling, based on the use of field plot and remote sensing data of the project (700 plots across the state of São Paulo, which includes nearly 1,200 tree species, ~80,000 stems and ~50,000 trees, and obtained lidar data for ~400,000 hectares). The objective of this research is to undertake estimates of above and belowground carbon stocks and different metrics of biodiversity in different reforestation approaches. First, the researcher will work in the organization of the dataset, to correct the final pending issue holding the use of the data in statistical analysis. Then, she/he will calculate fundamental biomass and biodiversity metrics with the data (e.g., above- and below-ground carbon stocks, tree richness, different metrics of diversity, composition similarity). Thirdly, the researcher will analyze the data and investigate the main environmental drivers of biomass and biodiversity recovery in the study region. Finally, the outcomes of the third step will be integrated with maps of different biophysical attributes of the study region to generate spatially explicit maps of biomass and biodiversity recovery.


 Application Procedure: Please send your CV via email with the subject "PDNewFor". For Brazilian candidates, please send LATTES CV. All others, please send CV that must contain all publication records in the field of this call, including ORCID and Publon links, as well as citation indicators (e.g. number of publications and citations, H index). Please indicate experience in teamwork and with the development of public policy, if applicable. Indicate three reference persons, and their positions, who can be consulted if the candidate is selected for an interview. Fluent English and/or Portuguese is mandatory (preferably both).

-          E-mail to: [email protected] with the subject "PDNewFor".

-          Application Deadline: December 29th, 2023

-          Only 3-5 candidates for each position will be selected for an interview (to be done virtually). The initial selection will consider the adequacy of the candidate to the fellowship profile, as well as the candidate's professional experience and publication records.

-          The interviews are expected to take place in early January, and the fellowship will begin after validation of the selective process by FAPESP, according to the Institution's norms, which we expect to be on early February.

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