Church Planter

Reformed Theological Seminary
August 11, 2025
Offerd Salary:$90k
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A
General Information Job Title:

Church Planter

Job Description:

The Northeast Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church seeks to plant a church that is outreach-oriented and distinctively Reformed and Presbyterian in the Baltimore-D.C. Metro area. A second area of interest is the Pittsburgh metro area Other northeastern cities will be considered, depending on demographics, core group potential, and ministry connections.

Our synod and presbytery offer personal assessment for church planting gifts, training, provisional session oversight, and manpower from nearby sister churches. The right man will receive a very competitive compensation package.

Position Qualifications:

We are seeking a winsome and godly man who has a demonstrable record in personal evangelism, skill in expository preaching, the ability to articulate the Reformed faith as summarized in the Westminster Confession and Catechisms, a commitment to reformed worship and, if married, a healthy family life and a wife who shares his commitment to church planting and hospitality. He should have a M.Div. (with Greek and Hebrew) from an accredited and approved seminary and be ordained in a NAPARC denomination or eligible for ordination/reception/transfer into the ARP.

More information about church planting with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church can be found at https: // help/church-planters/.

Before applying, please fill out the Self-Assessment Instrument, “Is Church Planting in a Good Fit for Me?” found at https: // content/uploads/2023/04/self-assessment-4.5.2023.pdf

Application Deadline


Job Type:

Full Time

Salary Range:


General Information Church/Organization Name

Northeast Presbytery

Contact Name & Contact Info

(301) 473-7070

[email protected]




Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP)

City, State

Frederick, MD

Description of Organization

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church is an evangelical and Reformed denomination that holds to the Westminster Standards. The Northeast Presbytery, nicknamed the 3-M Presbytery, runs from Michigan to Maryland to Massachusetts.

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