Faculty of History in association with All Souls College
The Faculty of History and All Souls College intend to appoint to the Chichele Professorship of Medieval History with effect from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The Chichele Professor will play a leading role in researching and teaching Medieval History within the Faculty of History, and we welcome applications from scholars working in any aspect of the field (broadly conceived, ca. 250 - 1500) and on any area of the world, but with a capacity to think broadly and to connect their work to that of others working on different themes, times or areas, notably in Europe. The professor will be expected to create and maintain links with other History departments in the UK and abroad, as well as cognate faculties in Oxford and elsewhere.
You will be a historian of the highest international standing, with an outstanding record of research and publication in the field of Medieval History. You should have a successful record of teaching and inspiring students at all levels along with a strong commitment to sustaining and developing the culture of graduate studies in Medieval History in Oxford. It is expected that you will share the Faculty's broad vision of the scope of medieval history, will have wide historical interests, and will wish to encourage interaction with other disciplines. You should possess proven leadership qualities and be ready to assume a senior role within the administration of the Faculty; to take a lead in encouraging research achievement and nurturing a research culture; to represent the Faculty within the University; and to promote medieval history in Oxford, as well as stimulating interest in the subject within the academic community and beyond.
The closing date for applications is 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 3 March 2025. Interviews are expected to be held in April or May 2025.
Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made in strict confidence to Professor John Watts ([email protected]).
Contact Person : Sue Morris Vacancy ID : 177665 Contact Number : Closing Date & Time : 03-Mar-2025 12:00 Contact Email : [email protected] Pay Scale : PROFESSOR (A20)