Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University announces an open competition for the position:
Assistant Professor in Theoretical Computer Science
Number of open positions: 1
Application deadline: 30th April 2025
Working Hours: full-time (40 hours per week)
Expected start: September 2025, by mutual agreement
Employment: 3-year initial contract (with possible extension - tenure track)
Workplace: Faculty of Informatics – Department of Computer Science, Masaryk University, Botanická 68a, Brno
EU Researcher Profile: Researcher 2
Salary: CZK 63 700 and a start-up grant
Job description key points
The position is focused on both teaching and research. The candidates are expected to carry out research of excellent quality in theoretical computer science and take responsibility for selected courses included in the study program Theoretical Computer Science: https: // www.
In particular, the candidates should be able to prepare and deliver lectures and tutorials at the bachelor as well as master level in the following areas:
The candidates should show a large amount of flexibility in teaching subjects that are not directly related to their particular areas of research. They are expected to help with supervising undergraduate as well as graduate students and attract research projects to fund their research activities.
The successful candidate must have
Desired skills and achievements:
Applicants should submit:
We offer
Please submit your application, including all required documents, preferably online via the MU e-application (Please use the link in the e-application section below). In case this way of submission would not be possible, we also accept a paper application with a declaration of the reason for such a submission.
The selection process is based on the Open Transparent Merit-based Recruitment Policy. Faculty of Informatics holds the HR Excellence in Research Award. The rules of the selection processes at the Faculty of Informatics MU can be found at Selection procedure FI MU (
Once submitting your application successfully, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Candidates successful in the first round of the selection process will be invited for an in-person interview or a video-conference interview. Candidates who succeed in the second round will be invited to present a public lecture.
Queries regarding the submission procedure can be sent to HR Department: [email protected].
Queries regarding the position as such can be addressed to Prof. Ivana Černá, Head of the Department of Computer Science, [email protected].
Further information is available: