160867 Professor or Associate Professor Research Group Leader(s) to the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen

Copenhagen University
March 15, 2024
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Negotigation
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

BRIC wishes to recruit 1-2 strongly motivated scientist(s) at Associate Professor or Professor level for an independent research group leader position. We are seeking excellent candidates with ambitious research visions within the broad area of biomedical research and a drive to contribute to a diverse and inspiring research environment.

The workplace

BRIC is an international center of excellence with the mission to perform cutting-edge basic and translational biomedical research in an open environment that fosters interdisciplinarity and collaboration. Active research areas include many aspects of cancer biology, stem cell biology and neurobiology. The center is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

Job description

As a group leader, you will establish an independent research program within basic or translational biomedical research. In the job, you will be expected to:

  • Conduct, publish, and communicate high-quality research that moves the field forward
  • Engage in outreach and knowledge-sharing with society
  • Develop your research group through attraction of competitive funding and talent development of team members
  • Conduct research-based teaching and examination
  • Be involved in academic assessments
  • Be involved in local as well as international collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects and engage in core center activities such as talent or technology development to advance BRIC's research environment and culture
  • The candidate profile

    Your background includes a PhD degree, postdoctoral training, and a track record documenting your research experience as reflected in a strong publication record matching your career stage. Also desired is a successful record of attraction of funds, leadership and educational experiences, collaboration experiences and additional capabilities within areas such outreach or technology transfer activities, again reflecting your career stage.

    We offer:

  • A start package covering own salary and the salary of 1-2 group members. Additional start support may be obtained from private foundations (obtained at individual or center level).
  • Access to cutting edge technologies through core facilities, including high-content screening, flow cytometry, next-gen sequencing, bioinformatics, microscopy, single cell genomics, histology and access to spatial transcriptomics and pathology service. Additional core facilities are available at faculty level.
  • A vibrant and open scientific community with focus on collegiality, collaboration and creativity.
  • A focus on talent training and development at all career stages, including strong PhD and postdoc programs.
  • Strategic support for funding strategizing, grant writing and implementation of larger grants and collaborations and for research communication and outreach.
  • Administrative support with regards to laboratory services and safety, purchase, economy, HR, and IT.
  • Terms of employment

    Initial appointment as a group leader (associate professor) is for 6 years. Full professors are recruited in a permanent position.

    BRIC wants to offer a further career path pending a positive evaluation following transparent guidelines, which includes the UCPH criteria for recognizing merit.

    This can happen in form of employment in a permanent position based on public advertisement, or the group leader may enter the University of Copenhagen Promotion Program towards a position as full professor (permanent position). Experienced research leaders may be recruited at the level of full professor.

    The average weekly working hours are 37 hours per week.

    Salary and other terms and conditions of appointment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Taxation and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant professional organisations.

    The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2020.

    Additional information about BRIC can be found on www. bric.ku.dk.

    Inquiries are welcome to director Anders H. Lund ([email protected]).

    Recruitment process

    The recruitment process will contain four evaluation steps:

  • After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager will shortlist applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointment Committee. after an evaluation of the written application material. Evaluation criteria can be seen here. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment. Due to differences in career stage or institutional background, not all candidates are required to fulfil all requirements in full.
  • The Dean then appoints an expert assessment committee in order to make an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. The selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself.
  • Selected candidates will be evaluated in an online interview with the Appointment committee. The online interviews will be carried out between 14 and 24 May 2024.
  • Selected candidates will be invited for an on-site visit and final evaluation in the period 15 and 26 June 2024.
  • All applicants will be scored for each of the six evaluation categories based on the UCPH criteria for recognizing merit: Research performance, Future research plan, External funding, Leadership/Management qualifications, Organisational contribution, and Teaching and Supervision qualifications at the shortlisting stage, the first and second interview.

    You can read about the recruitment process at https: // jobportal.ku.dk/.

    Application material

  • Cover letter outlining the applicant's motivation to apply to BRIC and brief summaries of research visions (1 page).
  • Application dossier (10 pages)

  • Research vision/goal and synergy with BRIC
  • Current and future research plan
  • Description of five most significant contributions (e.g., scientific, clinical, commercial achievements, honours/awards)
  • List of funding and commercial income raised incl. information about grant donor, type of grant, amount, and period
  • Description of leadership experience and development.
  • Description of organizational activities, including initiatives, responsibilities, and participation in committees and platforms
  • Teaching portfolio including reflection on teaching and supervision, see guidelines. Selected candidates that do not have the required teaching experience will be given the opportunity to up-qualify within the first two years of employment.
  • CV (2 pages use provided sub-sections)

  • Diplomas
  • Complete list of publications/ORCID – please indicate contribution in collaborative papers. Highlight selected publications relevant for research plan and for these include a short description (10 lines) of outcome/impact of the work and your contribution.
  • Reprints of up to five selected papers (only published or in press)
  • Please note that the applicant will be contacted if the Assessment Committee requires further documentation.

    The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

    The University of Copenhagen encourages all interested applicants to apply for this position (see also https: // www. bric.ku.dk/career-at-bric/).

    Please submit the application with the required attachments. The closing date for applications is 23.59 p.m. CET, Friday 15 March 2024.

    BRIC highly values diversity and encourages people of all backgrounds to apply (see also www. bric.ku.dk/career-at-bric/).

    The University of Copenhagen International Staff Mobility Office offers assistance and guidance with regard to relocation, e.g., housing, spouse program, pension and taxes, as well as on general information on the danish society, e.g. child-care, health-care etc. For more information, visit the ISM website: www. ism.ku.dk.

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