
Apr 02 2023

The Rise of Non-Academic Jobs for PhDs: What You Need to Know


PhD Sharing

In recent years, the job market for PhDs has undergone a significant change. While academic positions were once the most coveted jobs for PhDs, there has been a rise in demand for non-academic jobs in various industries. This trend has been driven by several factors, including the growing number of PhDs being awarded every year, the changing nature of research, and the need for expertise in specialized fields.

The Competition for Academic Jobs

The competition for academic jobs has become increasingly fierce in recent years. With more PhDs being awarded than ever before, the number of academic positions has not kept up with demand. This has led to an oversupply of qualified candidates for each available academic position, making it difficult for many PhDs to secure tenure-track positions.

 The Rise of Non-Academic Jobs

In contrast to the competitive job market for academic positions, there has been a steady rise in demand for PhDs in non-academic sectors such as industry, government, and the private sector. These jobs offer PhDs a chance to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world problems and to have an impact beyond academia.

Skills Required for Non-Academic Jobs

While PhDs possess many skills that are valuable in non-academic sectors, they may need to develop additional skills to succeed in these jobs. For example, they may need to develop strong communication and collaboration skills, as well as project management and leadership skills. They may also need to develop expertise in specific areas, such as data analysis, regulatory compliance, or product development.

Making the Transition from Academia to Industry

Making the transition from academia to the industry can be challenging for many PhDs. However, there are steps that can be taken to make the process smoother. For example, networking with professionals in the industry, gaining relevant work experience through internships or consulting projects, and developing skills that are in demand in the industry can all increase the chances of success.



While academic positions were once the most sought-after jobs for PhDs, the job market has undergone a significant shift in recent years. Non-academic jobs in industry, government, and the private sector are now in high demand, offering PhDs an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world problems. While making the transition from academia to the industry can be challenging, there are steps that can be taken to increase the chances of success. With the right skills and mindset, PhDs can build successful and rewarding careers in non-academic sectors.

Tags: non-academic jobs, PhD, job market, industry, career, skills.
