
Nov 16 2022

Reasons why your company needs to start using cloud networks

Johan Ankerbeta

Products & Services

Few would argue that the internet and associated web technologies have completely transformed the modern workplace and irreversibly changed the way modern businesses operate. However, while the advantages of the web and e-commerce have been huge, over the last decade or so, one particular technology has pushed the boundaries yet further and is helping revolutionize how and where firms can work - namely, cloud networking technology.

What is the cloud?

Programmers and computer engineers tend to be quite keen on branding their tech with catchy names and the cloud is no exception. However, unlike the name suggests, the term ‘cloud’ has nothing to do with the weather phenomenon we see in the sky - rather, it refers to remote computing services, typically delivered over the internet - and normally on a pay-as-you-go model. 


Only a few years ago, cloud provision wouldn’t have been a realistic prospect but, as our connection speeds have got quicker (both fixed-line and mobile) and hardware has improved, it’s now possible to access resources remotely - even on just hand-held devices. These two factors combined have led to the cloud’s massive growth in popularity among firms of all sizes.  


Why the cloud is important


Cloud computing empowers firms by removing the stress, hassle, and costs of running internal IT networks, instead transferring these responsibilities to a cloud service provider. Pre-cloud tech, if a firm wanted to take advantage of the benefits of networking, they would have had to spend considerable sums on both hardware and software - plus also pay for its maintenance. However, now, with the cloud model, firms of all sizes can take advantage of cutting-edge tech at a fraction of the cost of investing in their own platforms. 


The advantages to your firm of moving to a cloud service provider


No two firms are the same and the benefits your company will experience from cloud networking will likely be very different from another company’s. Nonetheless, as a general guide, you can expect to experience the following by migrating to cloud networking:

Benefit from industry-leading security: Over the last twenty or so years, cybercrime has become a major problem for companies around the world. Indeed, were you to compare it like for like, the revenue generated globally by online crime would make it the world’s third-largest economy behind the US and China. However, with a professional cloud provider running zero trust solutions on their machines, you can have complete peace of mind that your precious data is in safe hands. It’s estimated that around 60% of small companies go bust within six months of falling victim to a cyberattack, so this really isn’t an area where you should be taking chances. 


Access to the best hardware available: Cloud computing has become one of the fastest-growing sectors in the whole IT and computing industry and with so many providers now vying for customers, it’s in a cloud provider’s interest to ensure they’re running the latest, fastest machines. Of course, this in turn means that their clients also benefit from hardware and software they likely could never have afforded on their own. 


Massively reduced overhead by saving on having to invest in tech: Setting up and running internal networks was never cheap - and worse yet, firms often found they were running to stand still as new machines became more powerful or more capacious. Instead of dropping funds into the sinkhole of networking upgrades and maintenance, with the cloud, this overhead is completely negated with the onus being put on the provider. 


24/7/365 support and backups: Similar to the point above about security, cloud computing companies employ the very best technicians to look after their machines, service, and clients, meaning you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’ll always have someone on hand to help should problems arise. Also, should the very worst happen and your data is breached, they will have backup copies on-hand to get you back working again quickly. 


Take advantage of remote working and allow your team total mobility: A well-designed cloud network will allow your team access to important files and software in any location where they can find an internet connection. When you consider most of us now own smartphones, this means pretty much anywhere. 

Tags: cloud networks ,zero trust solutions
