
Aug 30 2022

At what age is it better to send a child to camp?



Parents often ask this question with doubts. At the age of 8-10 years - early? Psychologists say no, not early. But the most interesting thing is that not so much depends on the age of the children. Of course, they are more worried about younger school children - they are still so small, how will they endure separation, will they be able to take care of themselves on their own? In everyday life - yes, there are more problems with babies. Although, if the child has mastered elementary skills at an early age, you should not worry. How to understand - is the child ready for the first independent stay in the children's camp?

Contact children feel great in a new environment - it will not be difficult for them to make friends, find a common language with counselors and educators.

Closed, shy children will experience discomfort. Pay attention to the Maker camp, https://maker.sg, the leaders in this camp first of all use an individual approach when working with each child so that they can overcome this barrier and open up, gradually get rid of complexes.

LEVEL OF COMFORT. The situation in the camp will still be very different from home. And the food is different, and you don’t have your own room, and the amenities are shared. Will the younger student be able to adapt to an unusual environment?

In general, observations show that in most cases children do not pay too much attention to living conditions. It is much more important whether the camp is interesting, how the days are filled, what impressions the child will gain, how many new friends he will have.

Profile camps 

Educational children's camps always operate within a given direction and do not provide for any variations. Such specialized camps may have a mathematical, economic, linguistic, artistic or, for example, computer education program and invite specialists in these areas to work. The program here is always rich and intense. Children vacationing in specialized camps, combining recreation and study in a playful way, will be able to expand their horizons, reveal their individual abilities and talents, acquire new and useful knowledge, and also feel the spirit of competition.

Tips for parents

  • Having chosen one of the camps, before buying a ticket, be sure to get answers to the following questions: Where and in what conditions will the selected recreation program be held.
  • How much time is devoted to specialized classes. What forms of work prevail: conversations / lectures / training / master classes / interactive games. Is there a doctor in the camp and what is his qualification?
  • Is the camp area secure? Living conditions (where and for how many people in the room) and food (example menu).
  • What is the experience of the counselors / instructors, is the camp staff permanent.
  • All camp staff must have medical certificates, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and work permits. Specify how many children there are per caregiver and what is included in their duties. What are the features of the daily routine?
  • How children's leisure is organized, what activities are planned.

Resting in the camp, your child will learn to be independent, he will be able to see new places and gain new knowledge, improve his health, be in the fresh air and observe the regime, get the experience of communicating with other children and adults.

Tags: send a child to camp
