Women make up just 28 percent of the workforce in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), with men vastly outnumbering women in terms of STEM college majors as well. The gender gaps are particularly large in some of the most promising and highest-paid sectors of the future, including engineering and computer science. A new study by tech provider YouScience, however, has shown that girls’ aptitude in many STEM areas is high, even though their interest may be low. It is food for thought for those who believe that girls steer away from STEM subjects because they find these subjects difficult or challenging. The study also showed that in some non-stem subjects, girls’ interest significantly outweighed their aptitude. This is the case in arts and media, teaching, law and public safety, and human services careers.
The study was undertaken on over 225,000 female middle and high school students. It found that their aptitude for careers in technology and computers, in particular, was eight times higher than their self-reported interest in these fields. Their aptitude in advanced manufacturing was even higher—11.3 times higher than their interest in the field. It is vital to note that the study was undertaken on some STEM subjects only. There are many more subjects that could form the basis of future studies. As stated by educational specialists Proprep, for instance, degrees like statistics and probability are in high demand, since statistics majors have a host of potential job offers. Potential high-paying jobs in the field include database administrator, financial analyst, business analyst, and more. It is important for girls to know that they are capable in these fields and that talents and abilities can be honed through study and dedication.
Women Need to Know Their Potential